
Pietra Imperiale

One of a kind. The particular chromatic colours give it elegance and naturalness. What makes this marble so noble are the quarries in which it is extracted where algae, corals, shells and various mineral sediments have been deposited in the Mediterranean for millennia, masterfully painting the imperial stone. The uniqueness of the deposit has therefore given life to an unmistakable stone full of history.

The elegance of White

As white as purity, the Imperial Stone blends well in any context, creating contrasts in ultra-modern environments, harmony in classic and contemporary ones, enhancing and giving prestige to every detail. Its color infuses tranquillity and peace and gives elegance, style, historical value.

The Charm of Blue

When wet, its texture plays with the colours of the sky and water, showing enchanting shades. Scientific studies carried out by numerous universities have now proven how relaxing the effect of the colour blue has on people. For this reason, Imperial Stone is chosen by architects all over the world to cover every room.

Extraordinarily Fresh

Its conformation generated by millenary solidification and its light colour make this stone cool even after a hot summer day. By its nature, it reflects the sun’s rays and does not absorb heat. The Imperial Stone is therefore well suited for outdoor walls, coverings and floors. It gives comfort and practicality and allows you to live the garden in total freedom.

Incredibly Strong

There is little to add to its resistance to weathering, wear and compression. Its beauty has survived since the time of Emperor Augustus, so much so that you can admire its splendid shape that has remained intact over the centuries. For this reason it is very suitable for the construction of outdoor facilities such as swimming pools, fountains and theatres.

Withstands Glacial temperatures

Not only the sun’s rays do not scratch this stone, even frost is not feared. For this reason it can be safely adopted in very cold places where temperatures drop below zero. Nordic countries will also enjoy this wonderful Romanesque stone that travels through time

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